
OSCAR Foundation is a registered charity in India under the Maharashtra Public Trust Act, 1950 (Reg No. E27420) and can accept international donations under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA No. 083781502). Donations made to OSCAR Foundation are exempted under section 80G of India’s Income Tax laws. Any member of the general public can access information on our accounts through our annual reports and FCRA donations using the options below. We are committed to ensuring transparency across the organisation.

VIEW CSR Certificate

Global Giving

OSCAR Foundation is a permanent partner of Global Giving, a non-profit that supports other non-profits by connecting them to individual donors and corporate partners. Global Giving performs rigorous due diligence on all partner organisations to ensure they operate in a transparent and accountable manner. The vetting process scrutinises legal, financial and registration documents and is followed up by quarterly checks.

Keeping Children Safe

OSCAR Foundation is accredited by Keeping Children Safe, an independent organisation that evaluates and certifies the child safeguarding practices within an organisation. Children’s safety remains our top priority and is monitored by a child safeguarding committee.

Common Goal

OSCAR Foundation is a member of Common Goal, an S4D network that through its membership process, evaluates organisations according to both basic and specific Football for Good criteria that establish how it uses football to generate impact towards social topics aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Click on each Annual Report to see full content.

FCRA Details of OSCAR Foundation

Q1 2023-24

Q2 2023-24

Q3 2023-24

Q1 2022-23

Q2 2022-23

Q3 2022-23

Q4 2022-23

Q1 2021-22

Q2 2021-22

Q3 2021-22

Q4 2021-22

Q1 2020-21

Q2 2020-21

Q3 2020-21

Q4 2020-21

Q1 2019-20

Q2 2019-20

Q3 2019-20

Q4 2019-20

OSCAR Foundation prioritises the safety of women in its workplaces. It has an internal committee to investigate any instances of sexual harassment.

VIEW OSCAR Foundation POSH policy

The safety of our participants is of utmost importance to us. With this in mind we have formulated a comprehensive Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy which is governed by the Child Safeguarding Committee.

VIEW OSCAR Foundation Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy

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